The Soura or Saura Agamas comprise one of the six popular agama-based religions of Shaiva, Vaishnava, Shakta, Ganapatya, Kaumara and Soura. The Saura Tantras are dedicated to the sun (Surya) and Soura Agamas are in use in temples of Sun worship.
caryapAda details the prAyashcitta vidhi (atonement), pavitra vidhi (purification), shivalinga lakshaNam (qualification/characteristics of shivalinga), japamAlA, yogapaTTa lakshaNam (characteristics of japamAla-rosary and yogapaTTam-used in yogic posture).
agama vidhi in tamil pdf 23
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respected sir,your blog was quite an interesting read and an excellent presentation. i have been asked to undertake the puja rituals in a krishna temple here in pudukottai, tamil nadu. the temple is an old one, built on vaikhanasa agama vidhi. i do not know anything about puja, etc. the local people plan to rebuild the temple. will it be possible for you to provide me with the day-to-day puja vidhis according to vaikhanasa agamas and also about the renovation rules and procedures of the temple according to the vaikhanasa agama rules? hope i am not imposing too much on you. my email id is i also have a small website, thanks.ramanujavr (vr)
the tirumala-tirupathi devasthanam publications have brought out a number of books on vaikhanasa archana vidhi and also on temple construction. you may enquire locally or check the following sites for the catalogue:
Aatmiya bhando, Namaste! I am happy about the link and you are doing a great work. Is there any site for Raghuvamsam and kadambari which is also atranslation of tamil language along with Sanskrit version? Please let me know. Dhanyavada:
Revealed by the Sadyojata Mukha. The following 5 agamas were revealed to Kausika Rishi, who then taught to three celestial who propagate it on earth1-Kamikam -Feet-100,000 biliion-Pranava, Trikala,Hara2-Yogajam -Shin -100,000 -Sudhakya,Bhasma,Vibhu3-Chintyam -Toes -300,000 or 1000 -Sudipta,Gopati,Ambika4-Karanam -Ankle -10 million or 40million -Karana, Sarva,Prajapathi5-Ajitham -Knees -100,000 or 10,000 -Susicha, Siva, AchyutaRevealed by the Vamadeva Mukha. The following 5 agamas were revealed to Kasyapa Rishi, who then taught to three celestial who propagate it on earth6-Diptam -Thighs -100,000 -Isa,Trimurti, Hutasana7-Sukshmam -Genitive organ -10 million -Sukshma, Vaisravana,Prabhanca8-Sahasram -Hip -1 million millions -Kala, Bhima, Dharma9-Amsumad -Back -500,000 -Amsu, Ugra, Ravi10 -Suprabhedam -Navel -30 millions -Dasesa, Ganesa, SasiRevealed by the Aghora Mukha. The following 5 agamas were revealed to Bharadvaja Rishi, who then taught to two celestial who propagate it on earth11-Vijayam -Stomach -120 millions -Anadirudra, Parameswara12-Nisvasam -Heart -10 million -Dasarna, Sailasambhava13-Svayambhuvam -Nipple -15 million -Nidhana, Padmasambhava14-Agneyam -Eye -30,000 -Vyoma, Hutasana15-Viram -Neck -100,000 -Tejas, PrajapatiRevealed by the Tatpurusha Mukha. The following 5 agamas were revealed to Gautama Rishi, who then taught to two celestial who propagate it on earth16-Rauravam -Ears -80,000 million -Brahmanesa, Nandikesvara17-Makutam -Crown -100,000 -Siva, Mahadeva18-Vimalam -Arms -300,000 -Sarvamatra, Virabatra19-Chandrajnanam -Chest -30 millions -Ananta, Brhaspati20-Mukhabimbam -Face -100,000 -Prasanta, DadhichiRevealed by the Isana Mukha. The following 8 agamas were revealed to Agastya Rishi, who then taught to two celestial who propagate it on earth21-Prodgitam -Tongue -300,000 -Sulin, Kavacha22-Lalitham -Cheeks -8000 -Alayesa, Rudra Bhairava23-Siddham -Forehead -15 millions -Bindu, Chandesvara24-Santanam -Kundala ( ear rings) -6000 -Sivanishta, Samsapayana25-Sarvoktham -Sacred thread -200,000 -Somadeva, Nrusimha26-Parameswara -Garland -1,200,000 -Sridevi, Usanas27-Kiranam -Ornaments -50 millions -Devatarksya, Samvartana28-Vathulam -Garment -100,000 -Siva, Mahakala
namasteI am architect working in field of jeernodhar as per vastu treatises and archaeological restorations.Though I have collected and studied various treatises...I have not yet able to procure information on agamas particularly dealing with vastu-architecture and iconography.can you suggest any publication which gives complete traslation of agamas into english /hindi.
Dear sir,Excuse me for such a simple question, but can you tell me what language your wrote the 28 Sivagamas in? I am looking them up in the sanskrit dictionary and I am having no luck. If you could direct me towards looking up the meaning of these names myself I would be grateful.Kind regards,thomas
why you stil talking about Aryans.whether Aryan denotes any race.If you have and proof in saiva siddhanha text books or any sangam text books.Sanskrit is common lanuage for whole India.That's why all sastras written in Sanskrit. Lord shiva god not only for Tamils ,for whole mankind. That's his very important abode kasi in north India.There is irrefutalbe proof that sivaagamas all endorsed vedas.vedas also prised LORD SIVA. First think as Shiva not think as Tamil.If not,you are in short circle.
"The Saiva Agamas are some of the earliest books in te Sanskrit language on Saiva religion and philosophy, written over a period of several centuries before the Christian era."saiva aagamas are not in sanskrit it is in tamil...
There are several aspects in this world which is not understood clearly. It's all in the history how it is reported. There are many informations available in Tamilnadu in various forms,there are many temples so old that even they cannot be dated,there are several inscriptions found in a particular language all in present day Tamilnadu. The old tamil and the present day tamil have differences. It will not be out of place if there are esoteric texts available in Tamil and only in tamil it can be enjoyed ,felt ,realized. It's like the Dosa,idly ,vada,chutney etc which are made even now tastier in south compared to north. Same way the northern delicacies are better made in North.So if you are a true seeker of god please stop the comparisons and take the inputs as it is. After studying,comprehending ,realizing you will be a changed man yourself.The point here is to know the various truths as it unfolds. Absorb it, dwell in it and enjoy the bliss. Don't belittle the efforts with marginal and Partisan comments.
Seems Tamil agamas are oldest one In ancient time it is evolved from time to time in ref to language and origins.if you have information of agamas meditations and manifestation of powers pl reply 2ff7e9595c